
展品抢鲜看 | 家庭清洁用刷生产领域的“全能之星”与“博学大师”

展商新闻     2022.03.07


Borghi 在 2020 年对其制刷技术进行了重大的升级和优化,但是由于疫情的阻碍,迄今为止大部分新技术尚未向公众公开展示。此次中国国际刷子工业展览会,Borghi 将自 2018 年之后,首次向行业展示其众多制刷设备的新技术和新应用。


Borghi has put many significant upgrade and optimization for its brush making machines, which have not been exhibited to public yet as the result of COVID-19. Borghi Machinery Shanghai, the subsidiary of Borghi SPA, will exhibit many of them for the first time.





家庭清洁用刷领域,BMS 的旗舰机型 STAR BMS 堪称全能之星。该款机型自2020 年起,迎来了最大的最全面的一次改款。改款之后的设备具备了更快的速度、更高的稳定性、更便捷的可操作性,以及更高的维护便利性。


For household products, the flagship model STAR BMS can be seen as an almighty star. This model received the biggest and widest renovation ever since. The latest generation gives higher speed, better reliability, easier operation and more convenient maintenance.




This machine could produce almost all type of household brushes and some special-applications, such as broom, flat brush, toilet brush, dish-washing brush, roller, disk brushes.



随同 STAR BMS 一同展示的,还有扫把及平面刷的修毛开花设备 S6,以及圆球刷和碟刷的修毛设备 S2B。他们组成的三剑客,基本可以完成 85% 以上的家用清洁刷的生产需要。


Along with STAR BMS, you will see one trimming and flagging machine S6 for broom and flat brush, and one trimming machine S2B for toilet and dish-washing brush. The three musketeers can finish 90% job of household brushes production.





在工业刷领域,BMS 首次引入国产了同样全能的 Archimede。和著名的哲学家、物理学家、数学家阿基米德一样,这一款设备堪称“博学大师”,可以生产圆盘刷、辊刷、扫把、平面刷、圆球刷、碟刷、板刷等诸多类型的产品。


For technical and industrial brushes, BMS will introduce another almighty model Archimede. Like the famous philosopher, mathematician and physicist Archimede, this machine is also a master. It can produce disk, roller and lag brushes, as well as household brushes like brooms, flat brush, toilet and dish washing brushes.


本届 CIBRUSH, 是 BMS 机器母公司第一次在中国向行业展示这款博学大师。


This CIBRUSH will be the first meeting of the master with the industry in China.





Borghi Machinery Shanghai Co., Ltd.


宝而吉机械(上海)有限公司是 Borghi S.p.A. 在中国的全资子公司。在上海市松江区拥有一座植毛机组装工厂,生产立式植毛机STAR BMS,为东亚、东南亚地区的客户提供性价比高的植毛设备和售后服务。宝而吉机械(上海)有限公司也作为集团公司在中国大陆和台湾地区的销售代表,向客户提供家庭保洁刷设备、工业清洁刷设备、医疗耗材自动化设备等产品和服务。        
Borghi SPA 于 1947 年成立于意大利的摩德纳市,公司在制刷设备行业拥有超过70 年的历史和经验。
集团旗下的 Unimac SRL 公司专注于钢丝轮刷和钢丝扭丝刷设备的研发生产,同时提供扫把杆流水生产线和扫雪刷刷片自动化设备。   
Borghi SPA 专注于清洁行业的设备研发制造,旨在创造行业标准,为客户提供终生的一站式解决方案和战略性合作伙伴关系。









来源 | Borghi   
